
Kingdom Exclusives on WFMU

One too many cocktails last night put our heads in a young-dumb-and-full-of-bass-drum zone today, and we weren't able to listen to actual music at all until after dark.

Luckily PLD's own Kingdom was this evening's special guest on WFMU's Mudd Up! with DJ Rupture, who chatted him up on everything from banjee bass, to "bubbling," to the state of the New York club scene—in between playing some brand new Kingdom joints, including a couple refixes, some instrumentals and sketches for upcoming tracks, and "Mindreader" (featuring Shyvonne), which was premiered this summer at Club Vortex.

Listen to the whole interview and set.

And while you're here—Upon the Internet, that is—check out the new Kingdom-produced OMG Michelle! track, "Got Me Open," just posted on the group's MySpace.